I find the Celtic saints especially fascinating…courageous…creative… “brilliant” in every sense of the word. Over the years, in the course of researching the historical background for my pieces, I’ve accumulated a trove of information and resources, which I’m happy to share.
This site is by no means my main occupation (although it could be!), so I welcome your input and contributions.
You’ll also notice that I’ve included Brian Boru, Brigid the Goddess, and Lugh. None of whom are saints, but all of whom are “connected.”
Update 2017: For decades I’ve wondered about my affinity for Celtic things. I always thought my ethnic roots were almost exclusively German, with a bit of British. Then I had my DNA done via ancestry.com and discovered that I have at least 7% Irish blood. So that explains it! (I like a bit of science mixed in with my spirituality.)
Here are the featured characters in our Celtic Connections Collection.
(Just click on them to get to their pages.)
The Connections continue on our Pinterest boards...
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