+1.269.414.8850 patron@saintspreserved.com
Note: This is simply a col­lec­tion of places, people and things we like. We have no affil­i­a­tion with them (unless we know them per­son­al­ly) and they are not paid listings. We appre­ci­ate your suggestions...
Celtic Spirituality, Saints information


Celtic Thin Places

What are they? And a tour with Mindy Burgoyne

Celtic CrossCeltic Christianity

Celtic Christianity or Insular Christianity refers broadly to certain features of Christianity that were common, or held to be common, across the Celtic-speaking world during the Early Middle Ages.....from wikipedia

Irish Culture & Customs
If it’s Irish, it’s here.
Or will be!
” Also offers a fun & infor­mative newsletter.




Celtic Music Magazine is dedicated to the music, culture and history of the Celtic community.  It works with the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast to bring inde­pen­dent Celtic music to its 30,000 viewers, world-wide. Free, with many free downloads.The Celtic community covers a large populous.  Not only the seven “official” Celtic countries, but other renegade nations where Celts settled.  Some of these are:  Mexico, Japan, Czechoslovakia, Hungary Russia, Poland, the Americas, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, France, and Australia...patfaveKennedy’s Kitchen is our local group that sometimes even perform just a few blocks from our workshop. patfave


CARMINA GADELICA is Alexander Carmichael’s 19th century col­lec­tion of oral history, songs and prayers from the Highlands.


The Green Man’s Harp features Harp Therapy Links with occa­sion­al musings about Nature, Music and the Greenmanpatfave

Performance Poetica® is the site of Rose Virgo, Celtic scholar, poet, per­for­mance artist, also “Poetica” & Alternative Healing Workshops

Anam chara (or cara) is an Irish language term meaning “soul friend,” widely pop­u­lar­ized by John O’Donohue’s 1997 book of the same name, Anam Cara. As the late O’Donohue put it:“The anam cara was a person to whom you could reveal the hidden inti­ma­cies of your life. This friend­ship was an act of recog­ni­tion and belonging. When you had an anam cara, your friend­ship cut across all con­ven­tion and category. You were joined in an ancient and eternal way with the friend of your soul.”

Visual Arts

St BrideThe Pre-Raphaelite movement insti­gat­ed a Celtic Revival in Victorian England. Above is St. Bride by John Duncan, and is from the National Galleries of Scotland Video Celt provides a wealth of music videos and movies.

Gertrude of Nivelles was a great friend to the Irish trav­el­ling monks. Her feast Day is also on March 17 (the same as Patrick’s) and she is the patron saint of cats. We’ve given her her own blog here.St. Gertrude patron of cats

The Irish Travelling Monks
“We knew that the Celts founded the first Europe, but very few are aware that Irish monks had a very important role in Medieval Europe, which they trans­formed cul­tur­al­ly and spir­i­tu­al­ly. Britain, Scotland, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Russia, Iceland, Greenland, America... are in many ways linked to them.” ‑Enzo Farinella

Don’t forget to check out the connections with each of our saints’ individual pages...


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