I have noticed that some of the prayers in our prayer circle are from people who, for a number of reasons, cannot visit a veterinary clinic.
The places listed below offer free advice, either online or by phone. We don’t recommend or rate any of them, but encourage you to do so and we will be happy to publish them.
Just use the form at the bottom of the page.
Cats International offers free advice for your feline behavior problems and questions. (a lovely, informative site -pb)
Behavior hotline: 262-375-8852
Cat Be Good
A complete guide for caring for and training your pet. Lots of good free advice.
“Ask the Vet”
Dr. Marie Haynes offers a great amount of free advice on her web site, but also offers a paid consultation for $8.00.
News and updates on everything from fleas to a chocolate toxicity calculator.
Does your cat or dog need to go to the vet? …or really need that surgery, procedure, or treatment? Is euthanasia the best decision for your pet right now? You’ve been told what’s wrong but it just wasn’t specific enough or explained clearly enough?
The Web-DVM online veterinarians can help answer these questions.
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The bond between animals and humans is often very strong and losses can be very painful. If you or someone you know needs support without judgment from those who appreciate your feelings and may be able to help, the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine offers a Pet Loss Grief Hotline
Please let us know of any resources that should be included here: