Below are some “connections” to St. Brigid I’ve made over the years. There are links to everything from poultry to beer. Please share with us any you think should be included (I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of good ones!)
- St. Brigid of Ireland from New Advent offers extensive info, including the fact that she is incorrectly identified as BRIDGET.
- Ord Brighideach:“If She speaks to you — as poet, healer, smith, storyteller, musician, craftsperson, midwife, mother, hearth keeper, land steward, tender of herds, seer, woman of fire, lawgiver, deity of the home, lady of the sun, or simply as goddess or saint — you are welcome to walk among us.” Includes links to many sites about Brigid.
- Saint Brigid of Kildare Monastery is heir to a quiet initiative carried out in the 1980’s by The Upper Room, an agency of the United Methodist Church’s General Board of Discipleship (GBOD), to explore monasticism from an ecumenical context.
- Brigid of Kildare from Wikipedia
- Saint Brigid of Ireland numerous links and information about the saints.
- An obvious labor of love, this site offers extensive information and resources, as well as a virtual shrine; both the Celtic goddess and Christian saint.
- Brigid the Goddess offers interesting information “at Brigid’s Altar.”
- Brigid Fact Sheet from Magic & Mythology includes an image by John Duncan.
St. Brigid’s Day (Imbolc) Feb 1
- Celebrating Candlemas from School for the Seasons– beautiful site!
- From “Fisheaters” a very informative and fun site about celebrating St. Brigid
- Learn how to make a Brigid’s Cross as well as other information
- Candlemas Customs & Lore, both Christian and pagan

One of our long-time favorite sites for all things Irish is Irish Culture and Customs.
Bridget Haggerty “herself” has provided all kinds of great resources about her patron saint.
These are only a few of the sources I have come across over more than a decade of researching Brigid. Her appeal is ecumenical and I have tried to be inclusive... If you know of any sites that you think would be appropriate here, please let me know (and my apologies for any out-of-date or broken links). -pb