Let us keep the mantle of Brigid about us...
Preserve the flame... Kindle the hearth...
Keep it bright...
Brigid the Goddess and Brigid the Saint are inextricably joined by intricate Celtic knot-work woven from threads of history, legend, fact, fantasy and necessity.
I began researching Brigid for my artwork 20 years ago. Needless to say, the wealth of information to be found has increased dramatically since then — thanks (of course) to the internet. I had always intended to share the information and get some back and forth dialog going, promote what others are doing in this area, and possibly exchange links. The saint and goddesses each has her own section (see right).
Please check back often as we add new resources, products, stories...who knows?
And please feel free to post a comment — or even better, add a resource or idea.-pb