Post a Prayer

(The Prayer Circle is at the bottom of the page.)

A prayer for Animals Free Download

A free printable PDF of the beloved Prayer for Animals shown above (with Patricia’s illustration of St. Francis) is available for downloading. Just Click here.

helpWe now have a listing of free advice and low-cost consultations from veterinarians.  Just click here.

pawprintIn addition to prayers, please consider the Humane Society of America, which offers an extensive list of financial assistance for pet owners in need. Click here to go there.

phoneThe bond between animals and humans is often very strong and losses can be very painful. If you or someone you know needs support without judgment from those who appreciate your feelings and may be able to help, the Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine offers a Pet Loss Grief Hotline


Post a Prayer
  • Bambi Kirkland June 28, 2017 at 5:04 am

    RIP 6-27-2017 7:05pm

  • Bambi Kirkland June 28, 2017 at 5:00 am

    My beautiful rabbit Bambi I hope you are well and you are sleeping comfortably now in gods house you are surrounded by beauty and peace and free from all pain and sorrow Dollface you will be missed every second every moment and each and every day I will love you forever and ever you filled my life with love and joy you was and will always be my one and only Dollface (Bambi Kirkland) 6-27-2017 7:05pm RIP

  • Bambi Kirkland June 28, 2017 at 4:17 am

    My daughter Starr and I took our rabbit Bambi to the vet today at 6:45 we arrive there at 7:05 or 10 bandy was put to sleep The vet delivered really really bad news to us the vet informed us that Bambi was dying and that there was nothing else that he can do to help Bambi It hurts so bad I hope by me choosing to put her to sleep that I made the right decision to free her from all the sever pain that she was in I’m hurting so bad and I know she’s with God now and that she’s in better place now But I missing Bambi so much So so so much already that it hurts So bad I love you mama you always be my little baby Rest in peace doll face you are with god now and he will heal you and free you from all your pain and sorrow you will never be forgotten

  • Patty Peters-ONeill June 17, 2017 at 4:45 am

    St. Melangell, Since my best friend rabbit named Peter whom passed away in December 2015, I have another rabbit named Finlay so he seems very lonesome and he misses Peter so much. Help me to find right rabbit for Finlay to keep him into good company. Amen

  • Jeanne April 8, 2017 at 1:39 pm

    Thank you. On Thursday night my daughter’s bunny was very sick. We asked for St. Melangell’s intercession, and she helped us keep Audrey well until the hospital opened in the morning. The alarm was set for 2am to administer more medicine and St. Melangell woke Mary at 1 am. Mary immediately checked on Audrey and Audrey’s temperature had dropped again, all the way to 97° f. So Mary earned her again. St. Melangell, thank you for your help. Audrey made it to the vet where she got IV fluids and an enema which it seems have put her well on her way to a full recovery. Mary described seeing a white figure in a dream that stood above her and frightened her into waking up.

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