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Unique Books, Etc. Sellers on medival saints and life; spirituality.

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Abebooks is the world's largest network of independent booksellers. Various ways to order and search out-of-print, new and used books. Site even gives profiles (with pictures) of their members. If your library doesn't offer a book you'd like, ask your librarian to try to order it here.

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go to Food Heritage PressThe Medieval Calendar Year is an example of one of the offerings from the Food Heritage Press a great spot for both scholarly works on food and general culinary topics during the Middle Ages. Other offerings include: Art, Culture, and Cuisine: Ancient and Medieval Gastronomy and A Sip Through Time: A Collection of Old Brewing Recipes. You'll also find a number of high-quality links to other sites of interest. ¡Viva! Bookstore
prides itself on carrying a wide variety of books covering all forms of spirituality. They're still working on a more user-friendly web site (click on their name above), but virtually any book on the topics of Angels and Celtic Spirituality (their specialty) can be ordered from them via phone or e-mail.
go to the Store for the Miracle MindedThe Store for the Miracle Minded is a part of the Church of Today. They offer thousands of titles encompassing most religions, philosophies, and spiritual orientations. Lark In The Morning specializes in hard-to-find World musical instruments, books, recordings videos, and instructional materials.

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go to Acorn MediaAcorn Media's stated goal is to provide a range of products (primarily videos) from around the world that share two characteristics — quality and passion.

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go to Paulist PressPaulist Press Book Center
offers an extensive and unique selection of religious books. They also carry a selection of cards and gifts, traditional and contemporary Christian music for personal or church use. The Paulist Press is a work of the Paulist Fathers, a society of missionary priests founded for and by Americans in 1858.  
go to Cistercian PublicationsCistercian Publications
offers various publications including CDs and videos as well as printed media. Cistercians are men and women who follow Saint Benedict's Rule for Monks and the Constitutions of Cîteaux.
Bas Bleu booksA featured bookstore. (To go directly to their site, Click on the logo above. To see our featured recommendations, click here.) Hearts of Space is both a record company and a radio syndicator. A visit to their site will be most informative.

This section is dedicated to Brigid of Ireland,

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Patron of .Scholars .Poets .Printers .Creativity

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