
I believe in celebrating life as frequently as possible, even though sometimes I’m just not in the mood. Saints’ Days offer a great excuse/reason for tuning out the daily bad news and having a celebration. One could celebrate a different saint each day of the year.  We can honor our dogs on St. Roch’s Day, our cats on St. Gertrude’s Day (which happens to be the same day as St. Patrick’s). Host a wine-tasting on St. Vincent’s Day and toast an honest lawyer on St. Ivo’s Day…help Save the Bees in honor of St. Gobnait…

Some of my long-time favorite online resources for years have been:

Patricia BankerWe’ll be offering ideas for each saint in our “Preserve”
and welcome your contributions!-pb


Click here to go to Michaelmas (St. Michael’s Day)

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